Cases & Verdicts
While this small office has had over $20 million in settlements or judgments, most people who seek an attorney to help them with their legal needs are not looking to “get rich’ off their case. They just know something isn’t right and they want the company responsible to do the right thing and not be cheating or mistreating them. Most people just do not want the wrongs they have been subjected to, to end up costing them money. They want what they should have received in the beginning and any attorneys fees taken care of by those responsible. If they end up with more than that, then great.
The “home run” cases come into our office, but they are few and far between but those cases are often times camoflaged as typical cases.
Here are a few examples of typical cases we handle on a day in and day out basis in our office:
- The largest life insurance policy Mark has handled was for $2 million dollars and all of it was collected within months of filing a lawsuit. There have been many life insurance policy claims of $1 million dollars, all of which have eventually paid. A recent case, 2020, a life insurance policy for $500,000 settled within months for over $655,000. As stated above the smaller life insurance policies are welcomed and aggressively pursued also.
- A case we are particularly proud of – Our client, was referred to us by their father who was an attorney. The client had two other law firms who gave up on the case before coming to us. The client had insurance with a company for several years. The agent switched the policy a couple of times and during the last switch a payment had been missed. The client had a one vehicle wreck causing $12,000 in damage. We immediately filed a lawsuit and settled the case for $25,000.
- A high school friend had his 17 year old son come see us. He had a wreck and suffered $3200 in property damage. His deductible was $500, so he was out $2700. The claim was denied because of a late payment. We settled a little over a year later for $9500.
- An attorney referred us an old client of his whose son had died and when the mother made a claim for the $50,000 insurance policy, it was denied because of a very late payment. Research into the Texas Insurance Code and the Texas Administrative Code helped us settle the case for $120,000.
- An old client referred a friend in to us whose husband had died with an old $3500 burial policy. The claim was denied because of some problems in the application. Case settled for $7500.
- The neighbor of a past client came to see us when her husband had died and her application for the $25,000 life insurance policy through her husbands work was denied. The denial was based on their marriage being common law, “not real”. She got the $25,000 within three months and our fees were handled.
- Another attorney in our building sent in a client whose husbands $5000 life insurance policy was denied because he was illegal. That is simply not a reason. Case settled for $20,000.
- A railroad worker saw one of our advertisements and came to see us when one of the two policies he had for paying his wages when off work, due to a suspension was denied. (Policy’s for this are normal in the railroad industry). Within six months we got the second policy paid with interest, plus $7500.
- A nice lady was referred to us by someone who knew we handled these types of claims came to see us when her disability policy was denied. The insurance company claimed she lied on her application. Her claim was for $9000 in benefits. The case settled for $20,000.
These are typical of the 50 to 100 cases we handle each year. No claim is too small if in the end our client benefits.